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harold lloyd bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "harold lloyd"
  • His initial career was as a member of Harold Lloyd's writing staff.
    Karier awalnya adalah menjadi anggota staf penulisan Harold Lloyd.
  • It stars Harold Lloyd, Jobyna Ralston, Brooks Benedict, and James Anderson.
    Film tersebut dibintangi oleh Harold Lloyd, Jobyna Ralston, Brooks Benedict, dan James Anderson.
  • As a producer, he packaged the Harold Lloyd Classic Comedies for Turner Classic Movies, later released to home video.
    Sebagai produser, ia mengemas Harold Lloyd Classic Comedies untuk Turner Classic Movies, kemudian dirilis dalam bentuk video rumahan.
  • Starting at the Selig Polyscope Company he eventually moved to Keystone Studios, where he worked with Mabel Normand and Harold Lloyd.
    Dimulai di Selig Polyscope Company, ia kemudian pindah ke Keystone Studios, dimana ia berkarya dengan Mabel Normand dan Harold Lloyd.
  • Lloyd ranks alongside Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton as one of the most popular and influential film comedians of the silent film era.
    Bersama-sama Charlie Chaplin dan Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd termasuk salah satu dari komedian paling berpengaruh dan paling populer dari era film bisu.
  • In the old days of the silent movies -- Harold Lloyd here, hanging famously from the clock hands -- a lot of these guys did their own stunts. They were quite remarkable.
    Dahulu pada jaman film bisu -- Inilah Harold Lloyd, bergelantungan di antara jarum-jarum jam -- banyak orang melakukan aksi laga mereka sendiri. Mereka sungguh luar biasa.
  • Pickford, Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, and Cecil B. DeMille were early champions of film preservation, though Lloyd lost a good number of his silent works in a vault fire in the early 1940s.
    Pickford, Chaplin, Harold Lloyd, dan Cecil B. DeMille mengalami kejayaan pelestarian awal film bisu, meskipun Lloyd kehilangan banyak karya film bisu akibat kebakaran di lemari penyimpanan pada dasawarsa 1940-an.
  • He later served as archivist for the Chaplin family's Roy Export S.A.S., The Harold Lloyd Trust, and the Mary Pickford Foundation where he helped preserve both film and photographs from these important collections.
    Ia kemudian bertugas sebagai pengarsip untuk Roy Export S.A.S. milik keluarga Chaplin, The Harold Lloyd Trust, dan Mary Pickford Foundation dimana ia membantu menyajikan film dan foto-foto dari koleksi pentingnya.
  • According to Miller, his interest while writing Mad Max was "a silent movie with sound", employing highly kinetic images reminiscent of Buster Keaton and Harold Lloyd while the narrative itself was basic and simple.
    Menurut Miller, ketertarikannya saat menulis Mad Max adalah "film bisu dengan suara", dengan menggunakan gambar kinetik yang sangat mirip dengan Buster Keaton dan Harold Lloyd sementara narasi itu sendiri sederhana dan sederhana.
  • Shuster modeled the hero on Douglas Fairbanks Sr., and his bespectacled alter ego, Clark Kent, on a combination of Harold Lloyd and Shuster himself, with the name "Clark Kent" derived from movie stars Clark Gable and Kent Taylor.
    Shuster mencontoh pahlawan di Douglas Fairbanks Sr., dan alter egonya yang berkacamata, Clark Kent, pada kombinasi Harold Lloyd dan Shuster sendiri, dengan nama "Clark Kent" yang berasal dari bintang film Clark Gable and Kent Taylor.